Exercise Variation

Ignore this exercise and all of its variations for all sections.
Progress or regress exercises to switch between easier and harder variations.
Progress or regress an exercise's progression level to switch to an easier or harder variation.

Hurdle Hops

Prerequisites 2

Depth Drops

Requires proficiency of 50%

Depth Drops🌐

4 sets of 15-30s holds

One-Leg Depth Drops🌐

4 sets of 15-30s holds (ea. side)

Vertical Jumps

Requires proficiency of 50%

Pogo Jumps🌐

4 sets of 15-30s holds

One-Leg Pogo Jumps🌐

4 sets of 15-30s holds (ea. side)

Vertical Jumps🌐

2 sets of 12-15 reps

Jumping Knee Tuck🌐

2 sets of 12-15 reps
Postrequisites 1


Requires proficiency of 50%

Forward/Backward Bounds🌐

2 sets of 12-15 reps (ea. side)

Lateral Bounds🌐

2 sets of 12-15 reps (ea. side)